Sunday, July 25, 2010

Family reunion - Friday

Friday, July 23rd the family gathered at Maren and Greg's home in the early afternoon. Greg grilled cheese burgers and hot dogs, while Maren prepared frog eye salad, her famous pasta salad and a variety of fruits and vegetables. After dinner Neal and I handed out 2010 reunion shirts. They will be pictured here in time. Jamie designed the shirts and told us what the symbol on the shirt represented. Lots of family pictures were taken and I can't wait to display them (when I learn how!)

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After the picture taking event the evening was filled with laughing, talking, watching past years gatherings and reunions and playing games. This staycation has been a wonderful success and one that will be long remembered.

TShirt - Maxfield Reunion copy
Derek flew in late last night. Lyndsy and James picked him up from the airport and will bring him out to Lynda Ann and Jeff's today. This is our final reunion day. We have rented a huge water slide and will spend the day watching the kids, young and old, go down the slide over and over.

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1 comment:

  1. These are such great photos! I love the one of Neal holding you and looking at you. What a great guy. Your family is beautiful!!! Yeah for your new blog!
