Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Historic General Women’s Conference

What made this conference historic is that all young women and older from 8 years and up were invited to the conference.  First time that has ever happened.  There will no longer be three separate conferences but twice a year will be combined for Primary, Young Women and Relief Society.

Lynda Ann called and said that she had been offered 6 tickets to the General Women’s Conference at the Conference Center and would I like to join her and the girls.  I told her that if I didn’t have any assignments in my home stake that I would love to.  The only assignment I had was to sit up on the stand with President Little along with the Stake Primary and Young Women’s Presidents so I past the assignment to my first councilor and accepted the invitation.  I met Annie, Mallory, Abby and Hayley downtown at the Red Lion Hotel to park one of the cars (Emmi couldn’t come because she had to work).  We all climbed into one car and headed over to City Creek to park our car, have a bite to eat at the food court and then walk over to the conference center.  Some fun pictures:



Some pictures of our walk through the temple grounds.  The temple grounds are so gorgeous.  The evening was practically perfect temperature wise and we had no wind.  Bonus for this time of the year.


The conference was wonderful and as always, there are uplifting talks and spiritual moments where the Holy Ghost testifies to you personally that what you are hearing is true.  There were two comments that I was impressed with.  One was from Sister Oscarson who said, “If there are barriers we ourselves have created them.  I invite you not to love each other more but to love each other better.”  What wonderful advice.  The second came from Sister burton who said, “The best way to strengthen a home is to keep your covenants.”  Certainly good advise for all of us.  My mother was a great example of one who kept her covenants.  She was a convert to the church and once she embraced the gospel, she lived it.  We didn’t have family home evening every week, daily scripture study and family prayer every day, but her example of always accepting and fulfilling her callings, going to the temple every month and caring about our neighbors certainly taught me about her strength of devotion and her testimony of the restored gospel.  I can’t count how many times I would go to her bedroom in the evening to share something with her and find her on her knees praying.  I remember the scriptures always on the kitchen table where she would read them in the morning before leaving for work.  I will be forever indebted to her for accepting the gospel and bringing me up in the folds of the church.

Now, on a lighter note, I have to tell a story on Annie.  Whenever we go downtown, I always make Lynda Ann drive because I HATE downtown as I’ve stated so many times in the past.  Parking was free Saturday evening so we had no one at the booths making sure you took a ticket or paying on your way out.  I have to say that none of us venture downtown that often and are not all that familiar with the parking.  So as we are leaving the underground parking garage, we worked our way up the ramp and realized as we come out that we took the ENTRANCE instead of the EXIT!!  As we reached the top to go onto South Temple (or somewhere there abouts)  there was a car just ready to come down the ramp.  Thankfully he hesitated just in time to let us sneak past and obviously realized at that moment that we were going out the in!!!!!!  We all had a good laugh at that.  As we drove on Abby said, “I saw the sign that said “ Do Not Enter”.  That made us laugh even harder that Annie and I sitting in the front seat both missed it and Abby who wasn’t even driving noticed the sign.  But no harm done.  We all made it home safe and sound and grateful that we are members of the church and that someone was watching out for us.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Another project finished and another one started!

I finished the three Santa's and it is at the cleaners.  Lynda Ann called as soon as she saw it on the blog and said she wanted it so as soon as I get it framed I will give it to her.  I’ve started another one with the intent to give it to Judy for Christmas.  She loves Jim Shore and has quite a collection of them so thought it would be fun to do a counted cross stitch of a Jim Shore figurine.  You can see I just finished the partridge in a pear tree.  Well, the pear tree isn’t quite done but close.  This is a challenging and busy project.  One where I’m changing to a different color thread about every 10 stitches.  I’ll keep you updated.


Two random pictures

Neal is already busy planting his planters.  He has already put in Pansies.  And Lyndsy came by and I got to play with Desmond for a little while.  What a cute baby!


A new front door decoration

I saw this carrot made out of some special kind netting and fell in love with it.  I actually saw it one day debated and left the store without buying it.  But, I saw it again at the Quilted Bear on Saturday and saw the price was even higher so I went back to The Store and purchased my new door decoration.  So, what do you think?  I LOVE it and couldn’t wait to hang it up.  A little early for Easter but only a week and quite frankly, I don’t care.  I was just too excited to wait.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Grandchildren pictures

I received two pictures on my phone and wanted to share both because they are so cute.  The first is a picture of Andrew holding his newly made chest.  When Annie got home from shopping she rewarded Andrew and Hayley (because he and Hayley had been so good).  Hayley wanted a late night with a friend and Andrew wanted to build a chest.  So Miss Creative took Andrew to Home Depot and bought the lumber and hinges and went straight home and helped him build the chest which he is very proud of.

IMG_0582Then, yesterday I got a picture from Tucker with this caption:  “Peyton shook her cute little Hiney to a first place in their category on both dances and 2nd place overall!  Congrats Pey Pey!  Gam and Pa are so proud of you!


It is so fun to get updates on what my grandchildren are up to.  I also just heard that Emmi was awarded an Art Scholarship from the Art Department at BYU!  Way to go Emmi!  She will be getting that award Tuesday evening, April 8th. 

Susan’s 58th Birthday

March is the month to celebrate Susan’s birthday and celebrate we did.  Lila Mae, Susan, Lynda Ann, Mallory and Abby and I met at The Cheesecake Factory at 11:00 a.m. for a delicious lunch and present exchange.  After lunch we went to The Quilted Bear where we all found some trinkets that we just couldn’t live without!  From there to ShopKo where again, items were purchased.  We ended up at Sub Zero for ice cream and then back to Fashion Place to say our “goodbyes” and go our separate ways.  What a fun day we had.  I always look forward to getting together on our birthdays.  We have such fun and so enjoy being with each other. 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Abby’s science fair project to her to State competition!

I was invited to the U of U campus where all of the kids from around the State of Utah had their science projects on display.  It was interesting to walk around and see all the creative projects that the students (and I’m sure parents) came up with.  One that interested me was about golf balls.  Neal, Tucker, Jeff G. and Greg would have all been interested in this one.  The student did testing on whether it is worth the extra money to buy more expensive golf balls as apposed to cheaper one.  The students are not allowed to compare name brands, just the product.  The outcome?  A good (and I think ‘good’ is the operative word) will get more distance and more accuracy with a more expensive golf ball.  So, I guess when you pay a little extra for those golf balls you should experience a much better game.  I’ve always told dad that it is the Indian not the arrows, but maybe there is something to say about the arrows as well!

Abby’s project was comparing germs in different animals mouths and she also included the human mouth.  The outcome?  Hamsters have the cleanest mouths by far and cats, dogs and humans are the worst.  How do you feel being compared to a dog and cat?


After the exhibit I had just enough time to treat us to lunch at The Training Table and then back to work.


Spring is officially here!

There is so much that I love about Spring.  The top of the list that I love Spring is the longer days.  Going to work in the light of morning and coming home from work in the light of the evening is delightful.  I have to say that experiencing the warmer and warmer temperatures is very rewarding and hopeful for the summer months ahead.  Watching the weather last night reminded me again how much I love Utah.  The temperatures in the East always seem so severe on the hot side and the cold side and I wouldn’t want to live in Arizona where you have temperatures above 90 degrees most of the year.  I love the seasons that we experience here.  There is always a feeling of anticipation when it is time for a change in the weather and each season holds it’s own colors and beauty.  Oh, yes, Spring also brings General Conference.  A weekend full of uplifting talks from President Monson and those who serve with him.  I love to think of General Conference as ‘Church in my pajamas’.  I’m feeling happy today! 

Neal and I had our date night and went to see Monuments Men.  Excellent movie.  I love the based on true facts type of movies about heroes of WWII.  I would strongly advice everyone to see it.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Emmi is at it again! She LOVES pottery.

Her newest creation


This is called a cookie jar-ception.  It’s a cookie jar with a cookie jar for a lid.  With another cookie jar for that lid, then just a normal lid on top.  Pretty clever, don’t you think!  Emmi, I LOVE all our designs.  They are fabulous!

Abby becomes an official teen! 13 Years Old!


Her two birthday wishes.  She wanted a garden or flower box trellis and strawberry pies.  Annie designed and made the trellis.  Of course she made the delicious pies.  Abby, you are a darling 13 year old.  May this year be filled with fun and memorial times. 

My grandchildren are growing up!

Maddie at her prom. Can’t believe she is old enough to be dating!  Yikes!  Where does the time go?  You look beautiful, Maddie.


More Projects for 2014

I just finished my first counted cross stitch of 2014 but I can’t show it on my blog as of yet because it is a present for someone and on the chance that they may look at my blog it would ruin the surprise.  However, I have already started another one.  Most of my stitching is done for my own satisfaction.  I have no one in mind to give it to.  Maybe some day some of my kids will want some of them, who knows.  I love doing them and will do them until I’m no longer able!


The above picture is what it will look like when it is done.  A picture of a picture Smile The one below is what I’ve done so far.  Since I took this picture I’ve completed the the little guy on the left.  Love this Christmas scene.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

A little Easter decoration for my desk. I’m a sucker for these cute ceramics!


UVU final basketball game

Neal and I went to the UVU basketball game to see the seniors in his class play their last game and he hoped to see Ron Enos.  Ron is the older brother of Ipo.  His grandson, Kaewe, is a senior on the basketball team.  Neal was able to talk to Ron and his grandson after the game when they were handed out the award for winning the WAC. 


Our Women’s Conference–A Wonderful Success

The theme of our Women’s Conference this year was “Look Upward In Joy”.  Our decorations were all old fashioned items along with quilts and stitchery displayed from ladies in our stake.  Our speaker was Deondra Brown Nelson of the Five Browns.  She spoke on facing adversity in your life.  Below some pictures.  All the stuff lined up along the stage is all from Vicki and Becky’s garages.  Oh my gosh!  That kind of saving and collecting I just don’t understand.


The pictures below are of the quilts that Annie had stored that were made by her grandmother.  Actually hand quilted blankets.  The white one is the quilt that Lila Mae and Mother made for Annie and gave to her when she got married in the temple.


Below is the quilt that Annie’s grandmother made for her by having her lie down on a piece of butcher paper and tracing around her.  I think she was about 5 or 6 years old.
